Hey, everyone! This is our official first post about an Aztec goddess named Huitzilopochtli. He is a god of the original nomadic Aztecs. He is the god of war, the sun god, and the patron of the Aztec capital, Tenochtitlan. According to all of the myths that we have read, he is the one who guided the Aztecs to Mexico. His mother is Coatlicue. She gave birth to him after finding a ball of feathers and tucking in her bosom for safekeeping. Later, when looking for the ball, she couldn’t find it. She found herself pregnant. Her other children, the moon and stars, became jealous and embarrassed. This is because a goddess was only supposed to give birth to the original pantheon. Coyolxauhqui, the moon, incited a rebellion among the children against their mother. Huitzilopochtli sprung from the womb fully dressed in battle gear and defeated his siblings. He beheaded his sister, Coyolxauhqui, and threw her head into the sky to remain there as the moon.